Gaudeamus Legacy Society

Thank you for supporting The Bishop Strachan School!
A legacy gift to BSS is a meaningful way to support the school and leave a lasting legacy. Your gift can provide scholarships, fund programs, improve facilities and support the school's overall mission. You can also receive tax benefits and other financial advantages.

If you are interested in making a legacy gift and wish to fill out a confidential Letter of Intent, please click here.

Benefits of Your Legacy Gift

Have your contribution honoured and recognized through various benefits as a member of the Gaudeamus Legacy Society.

Tax Benefits
Legacy donors may be eligible to receive tax benefits, such as tax credits or reductions in estate taxes.

Increased Funding

Make significant gifts to BSS over an extended period of time, which can provide a significant source of funding for scholarships, programs and other initiatives.

Long-Term Stability
Ensure the long-term financial stability of BSS, allowing the school to more effectively plan for the future and invest in new initiatives.

Legacy Building
Leave a lasting legacy, helping BSS continue to thrive for future generations.
For more information, contact:

Cara Belardi
Assistant Director, Major Gifts & Legacy Giving | 416-483-4325 ext. 1873

Ways to Leave a Legacy

List of 4 items.

  • Charitable Remainder Trust

    Enables you to make a substantial gift to BSS, while enjoying an immediate tax benefit as well as income for life, or a specific term for you or a loved one.
  • Charitable Request or Gift By Will

    By leaving BSS in your will, you provide the best opportunity for students to develop their unique voice, confidence and sense of purpose.
  • Life Insurance

    Provides you with a creative strategy to make a significant gift to BSS without greatly impacting your current finances.
  • Retirement Funds

    A future contribution of retirement fund proceeds, including RRSPs and RRIFs, provides you with an opportunity to make a significant gift to BSS, receive a donation receipt for the full value of the proceeds and use the resulting tax credits to offset taxes payable by your estate.