

When science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) intersect, exciting innovations come to life.
At BSS, students from JK to Grade 12 engage in interdisciplinary projects that spark creativity and inquiry in our innovative learning spaces. Our Design Technology Labs equip students with evolving, state-of-the-art tools to develop design, collaboration and practical skills. They learn to use technology safely and effectively, empowering them to dream big. With this foundation, BSS students are prepared to transform ideas into reality.

Math at BSS: Collaborative Learning

At BSS, we know that math isn't one size fits all. Our approach to math education is centred on practicality and application, rather than only theoretical concepts. We focus on problem-solving skills and the practical uses of math as a tool to make meaningful connections across various disciplines, such as science and the arts. Our curriculum challenges students to think critically, solve problems and collaborate among peers. They build grit to persevere through challenges by exploring different solutions and learning from their mistakes. In our collaborative environment, students are encouraged to keep trying, benefitting from each other's insights and participating in a culture of learning. For example, Grade 10 students might explore sound waves by modelling what they think these phenomena look like. They begin with an open-ended question, consolidate their findings together and then apply their knowledge in practical ways. At BSS, math is not just numbers; it’s a versatile tool to understand and interact with the world.

List of 1 items.

  • Engaging Math Concepts

    In the Junior School, students learned to identify shapes and visualize movement using the 3D modelling program Tinkercad. They collected found and recycled materials in the Design Technology Lab, and identified which shapes could move and how. After collecting shapes and materials, students put their theories to the test by using Tinkercad to animate shapes. Students developed collaboration, inquiry, hypothesis and design engineer skills.

    In Grade 11, students learned the fundamentals of computer science, including binary numbers, colour representation, pixels and data storage. They applied this knowledge using the open-source programming language Processing to manipulate photo pixels and create various multimedia filters. Students explored further by researching complex coding techniques to achieve more intricate filters, like facial movement or distortion.

Grade 8 Student

My group was able to problem solve in very creative ways when our birdhouse broke. We never gave up. Even when things got bad, we just kept on persisting. I was very proud of my group because I know that we grew a lot from this experience, and now we are better at grit and perseverance.

How much do our students love math?

List of 4 items.

  • 90%

    of students in Grades 2 - 6 participate in math contests
  • 25%

    of Grade 8 students earn a Grade 9 credit in the Reach Ahead program
  • 43%

    of students graduate with three Grade 12 math credits, on average.
    *Based on data from 2019 - 2024
  • 47%

    of BSS graduates pursue STEAM studies in post-secondary, on average.
    *Based on data from 2021 - 2024

What STEAM looks like at BSS

List of 3 items.

  • Adding to Nature's Design

    Grade 3 students combined their interest in nature with 3D printing.
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  • Emma's Garden

    Grade 12 students were tasked with designing beautiful, weather-resistant and durable signage for Emma's Garden.
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  • Learning in a STEM Wonderland

    Grade 7 and 8 students applied their understanding of design thinking, the scientific method, and engineering to create the whimsical world of Wonderland for the play Through the Looking Glass.
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