Privacy Policy

List of 3 items.

  • Website Privacy

    Upholding privacy standards is a priority for us. We do not collect personally identifying information about you when you visit this site, unless you choose to provide such information to us.

    Reading or Downloading
    We collect and store only the following information about your visit: the name of the domain from which you access the Internet, the date and time you access our site, and the Internet address of the website from which you linked to our site. We use this information to analyze web traffic, and to help us make our site more useful to visitors.

    Online Donations
    As a registered charity, we appreciate our community’s philanthropic contributions. If you donate online, we may use your contact information to send further information about BSS or to contact you when necessary. You may always opt out of receiving future mailings and we make it easy to do so in our contact with you.

    Sending Us an Email
    You may decide to send us personally identifying information in an electronic mail message containing a question or comment, or by filling out a web form that provides us this information. We use personally identifying information from email primarily to respond to your requests. Using our discretion and professional judgement, we may forward your email to other employees who are better able to answer your questions. We may also use your email to contact you in the future, respecting Canada’s privacy laws. We will never share your name or email address with outside parties.

    Employment at The Bishop Strachan School
    In connection with a job application or related inquiry, you may provide us with certain personal information about yourself (such as that contained in a resume, cover letter or similar employment-related materials). We use this information for the purpose of processing and responding to your application for current and future career opportunities.

    Children’s Privacy
    We do not seek nor will we knowingly collect personal information from anyone under the age of 13. BSS student safety and well-being is our priority, so we have strict guidelines in place to protect their privacy and security. We will not use student photos or identify students by name on this site unless permission is granted.

    Social Media
    We may offer you the opportunity to engage with our content on or through third-party social networking websites, plug-ins and applications. When you engage with our content on or through third-party social networking websites, plug-ins and applications, you may allow us to have access to certain information associated with your social media account (e.g., name, username, email address, profile picture, gender) to deliver the content or as part of the operation of the website, plug-in or application. When you provide information from your social media account, we may use this information to personalize your experience on the websites and on third-party social networking websites, plug-ins and applications, and to provide you with other products or services you may request.

    Disclosure of Personal Information
    We will not disclose, trade, rent, sell or otherwise transfer your personal information, without your consent, except as otherwise set out above.

    Use of Links
    Throughout our web pages, we provide links to other servers which may contain information of interest to our readers. We take no responsibility for, and exercise no control over, the organizations, views, or accuracy of the information contained on other servers.

    Content on this site is copyrighted by BSS. A copyright statement will acknowledge text or images with a copyright holder other than BSS.

    If you are interested in information that you find on our website, or have a request related to privacy or the use of our logo or other images, please contact

    Email Preferences
    We use email to communicate with our community – which includes current and students and their family members, as well as event guests, vendors and prospective families. We uphold PIPEDA and CASL (Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation) and ensure our e-communications are as relevant and concise as possible. As a member of the BSS community, you can manage your email preferences in myBSS.
  • Privacy Policy

    The Bishop Strachan School (“the School”) is committed to protecting the privacy of its community members’ personal information. This Privacy Policy provides detailed information about how the School collects, uses, and discloses the personal information of its community members. It should be read in conjunction with our other School policies.

    Personal Information That We Collect
    The School collects personal data and information about its prospective, current and past students and their families; current and former faculty, staff, volunteers, suppliers and contractors; donors, friends and supporters; Governors; community affiliates and partners; website visitors; and other individuals connected to or visiting the School.

    The personal information that the School collects takes different forms – it may include factual information, images, or other recorded information which identifies or relates to an individual.  Some of this information may be publicly available; some of it may be provided through individuals’ interactions with the School. It may have been collected before or after this Policy was first published.

    Examples of the personal information that the School may collect about its community members include:
    • Names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, and other contact details
    • Family information
    • Admissions application and open house information
    • Fundraising, communication, and advancement information
    • Academic information such as attendance, grades, progress reports etc., and information about special educational needs
    • Employment data
    • Images, audio, and video recordings
    • Financial information
    • Courses, meetings, or events attended
    • Website visitor information
    • Health information
    • Police reference check information
    The School will limit the amount and type of personal information it collects to that which is necessary for the purposes of School operations.

    How We Use and Store Personal Information
    The School uses personal information as required in order to carry out its educational mission and provide related services to its students and other community members.

    For example, the School may use personal information collected from its prospective, current, and past students and their families for the following purposes:

    • To teach and evaluate students, monitor their progress, and provide them with individualized academic and other support as appropriate;
    • To accommodate students with particular educational needs;
    • To administer its admission and financial assistance programs;
    • To communicate with current, former, and prospective students and their families about School events and activities, volunteer opportunities, and fundraising efforts;
    • To administer co-curricular and extra-curricular activities; and
    • To supervise off-campus activities and trips.
    The School may use personal information collected from its current and former faculty, staff, and volunteers to create and manage its employment and volunteer relationships, including, for example, to solicit and evaluate applications, to hire and retain individuals, to administer employment-related services such as payroll and benefits, and to monitor performance.

    Only certain individuals within the School are authorized to view and use personal information. Those individuals are permitted to use the information only for the purposes for which the information was collected. The School has implemented systems & a policy on the appropriate handling and safeguarding of personal information. It trains its faculty and staff on these systems & policy, and requires their adherence to the policy.

    Some of the personal information collected by the School is stored by outside hosted databases or cloud storage providers. The School requires these outside entities to maintain its personal information securely and in accordance with the School’s privacy policies and all applicable laws.

    How We Share Personal Information
    The School may disclose personal information to others outside of the School where permitted by law. For example, the School may disclose personal information to outside organizations that provide services to the School, such as e-learning platforms, educational trip providers, employment profiles, consultants, and communication services. In such cases, the School discloses only the personal information necessary for the provision of the service. The service provider uses the personal information only at the School’s direction and in accordance with the School’s privacy policies and all applicable laws.

    The School may also be required by law to disclose personal information in some cases. For example, in certain circumstances the School may be obligated by law to disclose personal information to the Ontario Ministry of Education. From time to time, it may be compelled to disclose personal information in response to a law, regulation, court order, subpoena, valid demand, search warrant, government investigation, or other legally valid request or enquiry.

    Except as required or permitted by law, the School will not disclose personal information to others outside of the School without the consent of the individual. 

    The School does not rent, sell, or trade personal information.

    Changes of Personal Information
    The School makes efforts to ensure that all personal information held in relation to an individual is as up-to-date and accurate as possible. All community members should notify the School of any significant changes to important information, such as contact details. Current families will be asked to verify their demographic information on an annual basis.

    This Policy
    If you have questions regarding your personal information or its use, please contact our Privacy Officer by email at or by telephone at 416-484-4705 ext. 4205.

    The School may amend this Policy from time to time. The date on which the Policy was last amended is provided at the end of the Policy.

    Updated: July 2020
  • Electronic/Digital Surveillance Policy

    The Bishop Strachan School (the “School”) remains committed to transparency in explaining to the school community and public on how it uses electronic/digital surveillance systems on School premises.

    Electronic/digital surveillance refers to a video (no audio) surveillance system or device that enables continuous or periodic video recording, observing or monitoring of individuals on School property. 

    Policy Statement 
    The School has implemented electronic surveillance to promote the safety and security of students, employees, parents/guardians, guests, visitors and School property, and to aid in the deterrence and prevention of criminal activities or activities which violate School policies. All electronic surveillance is digital and does not record audio. 

    Purpose Of Electronic Surveillance 
    The purpose of the electronic surveillance by the School is to: 
    • Enhance the safety and security students, employees, parents/guardians, guests, and visitors to the School; 
    • Deter theft and vandalism and assist in the identification of individuals who commit damage to property within the School; 
    • Promote a safe environment by deterring acts of violence, harassment, assault or other criminal activities within the School; 
    • Assist the School in meeting its legal or regulatory obligations; and 
    • Assist law enforcement agencies with regards to the investigation of any crime and aid in identifying intruders or persons breaking the law while in the School. 
    The School shall not use video monitoring for purposes other than the purposes expressed in this policy or as authorized by law. 

    Use Of The Surveillance System 
    Surveillance camera equipment has been set up to record activity at specified locations in the School. The images are only viewed by a Designated Individual (as defined below) if an incident requiring investigation occurs. 

    Surveillance Camera Specified Locations 
    Surveillance cameras may be located anywhere in the School, other than the exclusions outlined below, but are often located in the following School areas: 
    • Surrounding the border of School property;
    • Driveways;
    • Building entrance(s) and exit(s);
    • Hallways and staircases
    • Underground garage; and
    • Boarding entrance and staircases leading to Boarding. 
    Exclusions: Restrooms, changing rooms, prayer rooms, and other areas inviting a reasonable expectation of privacy. 

    Recording Operations
    Recording of images (“Recordings”) are continuous (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). All images are retained in a self-contained hard drive that has no external connection to a Wi-Fi, cellular or hard-wired viewing system. Once the hard drive is full, the earliest Recordings will be overridden, resulting in Recordings being retained for only 30 days.

    Responsibility For, Retention Of, And Disclosure Of Video Records 
    Responsibility for Recordings 
    The Security Supervisor is responsible for the use and security of the electronic surveillance cameras, monitors, and Recordings, systems used to store Recordings, and all other electronic surveillance equipment & records. The Security Supervisor shall:
    • ensure the School’s adherence to applicable privacy legislation, including the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act;
    • assess the deployment of new cameras and periodically assess the School’s use of surveillance to minimize the privacy impact of surveillance while meeting the purposes of this policy;
    • secure the cameras and related hardware devices and install them in locations that are difficult to access by the public; and
    • implement and maintain appropriate physical, organizational and technological safeguards to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the Recordings.
    Safeguards shall include the restriction on access to the Recordings, auditing, retention and secure destruction of storage devices and Recordings, all in accordance with this policy.

    The Security Supervisor may engage personnel and security services providers to operate and maintain the surveillance systems as prescribed in this policy.

    Only the following individuals are permitted to access controls and Recordings, and only as authorized by the Security Supervisor for the purposes set out in this policy. “Designated Individuals” include:

    • the Head of the School, the Deputy Head, the CFO, the Executive Director, HR, Director of Facilities Operations;
    • School security staff;
    • and other such individuals as appointed by the School from time to time.
    The Security Supervisor shall be responsible for administering and enforcing all Designated Individual access privileges. When a person no longer holds a Designated Individual position that requires access to video records, access will be promptly removed from that individual.

    Retention and Disposal of Recordings
    Recordings will be overwritten after 30 days, unless used in accordance with this policy, and securely destroyed in compliance with applicable laws. All old or non-functioning storage devices will be disposed of in a secure manner so that any Recordings they hold cannot be retrieved or reconstructed.

    Disclosure of Recordings
    The Security Supervisor is responsible for authorizing all disclosures of Recordings to third parties (including law enforcement). The Security Supervisor must keep a record of every such disclosure. The record shall include information that identifies the occurrence (including by date), that identifies the third-party, that includes the reason for the request, and that appends any consents obtained in authorizing the disclosure.
    Access by Individuals to Personal Information on Recordings 
    An individual who is the subject of video monitoring may request access to the Recording in accordance with applicable privacy laws. The Security Supervisor shall consider such requests and access in full or in part may be granted or refused. 

    Violation of Policy 
    Any violation of this policy will be investigated by the School and will be addressed through appropriate action, which may include the identification of individuals involved in the violation to affected individuals, disciplinary consequences, termination of contractual relationships with the School, the filing of a criminal complaint, or civil action, as appropriate. 

    Notification Of Electronic/Digital Surveillance 
    General Signage 
    The School shall post signs advising that the Specified Locations are monitored by surveillance equipment, which signs shall be prominently displayed at the perimeter of the surveillance areas and at the entrances to the School, in order to provide reasonable and adequate warning that Recordings are being undertaken. Signs are located at the Londale entrance, Junior School entrance and the Russell Hill entrance. 

    The signage will include: 
    • Notice that video surveillance is occurring; 
    • Who within the organization is responsible for conducting the surveillance, and their contact information; and 
    • Who to contact for access to surveillance footage.