On January 8, we proudly hosted a screening of Sugarcane, an investigative documentary directed by BSS alum Emily KASSIE '10 and Julian Brave NoiseCat.
Exploring the abuse and missing children at an Indian residential school that initiated a reckoning on the nearby Sugarcane reserve, the film has already earned incredible accolades, including the 2024 Sundance Directing Award for U.S. Documentary and a shortlisting for an Oscar nomination. Emily and Julian joined us virtually for an engaging Q&A, where Emily expressed gratitude to her past BSS teachers, Ms. Fleming and Ms. Woronka, for sparking her interest in social justice. She reflected on how her time at BSS inspired her to merge her passion for advocacy with filmmaking.
We’re grateful to everyone who attended the screening, our Indigenous Learning Circle students for their thoughtful hosting and moderation, and Emily and Julian for sharing their time and insights. Best of luck to Sugarcane this awards season!